Friday, July 27, 2007

Shirts (employees)

I ordered more shirts today. The old shirts are wearing out, plus they have "Walnut Creek" as part of the logo. The biggest reason is new employees. I've got several new part-timers planned. These guys (all guys so far) will work late afternoon and evening hours. The plan is to have them cover the busy after-work and after-school periods and then stay until closing, around 10-pm. It would be better to have full-time people, but I'm not sure I can afford that yet. I've also got one younger high-school kid planned for Saturdays. In case you were wondering, the primary requirement to work at Black Diamond Games is that you wear a size large shirt.

623 Jonathan Corey Mens 60/40 Brushed Twill Short Sleeve Shirt
(we're getting them in white)

60/40 cotton/poly brushed twill short sleeve
with button-down collar. Wood-tone buttons.
Reinforced shoulders and armholes


  1. "the primary requirement to work at Black Diamond Games is that you wear a size large shirt."

    In case you all were wondering, Gary meant that as a joke...

    best -


  2. I was smiling and thinking about that, and wow, I could get in serious trouble if people thought I was discriminating based on body type.

    I could do a whole thing on what I look for in an employee, but it comes down to:

    1. Honesty. I can't train that. They have to start out impeccably honest. I can't tell you how many people have applied to work for me AFTER they've bragged about stealing from their past store or getting fired for bad behavior. It's stunning.

    2. Retail sales experience. It doesn't have to be games, but they need to understand sales just a bit. Things like customer relations (treating them right), not dissing the product, etc. This can be trained.

    3. Game experience. If you've got the first two AND you know games well, then you're probably a good fit. My problem is finding someone with all three who can afford to work at a game store. This third one can be trained, and is actually an on-going "development" part of working here. You always learn new games. It's required. If you don't like games, you won't make it here.
