Here's what's new this week:
Board Games
- Ticket to Ride Europe, 1912 Expansion. New warehouses, depots and 55 destinations.
- Dungeon Twister: Prison: This Dungeon Twister variant has lots of cool miniatures and includes a solo version.
- Mr. Jack in New York. Stand alone variant. one player takes the role of Mr. Jack, the other takes a role of a Detective. But there are new possibilities - gaslights and manholes are represented by pawns which can be moved.
- Chromino. A fun dominoes variant. If you like Blokus, give this one a try.
- Wings of War: Dawn of War - Legends/Air Squad Pack (Friday)

Miniature Games
- Magazines: White Dwarf 358 (Skaven), No Quarter #27 (featuring a MKII look), Minature Wargames (Air War Over Africa), Wargames Soldiers & Strategy (Spanish Civil War), and Wargames Illustrated 265 (Friday).
- Warmachine: Scryah: Ravyn, Eternal Light, Adeptus Rahn, Dawnguard Scyir, House Shyeel Battle Mages, Mage Hunter Strike Force.
- Hordes: Trollblood Trollkin Runeshapers
- Warhammer Fantasy (Friday): Skaven Army Book, Skaven Clanrat Regiment, Skaven Stormvermin (20), Skaven Doomwheel, Warlord Queek Headtaker, Deathmaster Snikch, Packmaster Skweel.
- Flames of War (includes last weeks releases): Fallshirmjägerkompanie, Fallshirmjägerkompanie MG's, Fallshirmjägerkompanie Gaming Set, Airborne Anti-Tank Platoon, Airborne Bazooka Teams.
- Malifaux. We're hoping to get a few starter sets in Friday after our Monday order disappeared.
- Heroscape Wave 10 Booster (Friday)
Collectible Card Games
- Yu-Gi-Oh 2009 Collectible Tin #2. 2 Stardust Overdrive packs, 1 Ancient Prophecy pack, 1 Raging Battle pack, 1 Crimson Crisis pack, a secret rare, deck partitions and sleeves.
- Pokemon Platinum Arceus: Boosters, Theme Decks and Poster Boxes.
- Magic: As usual, we have plenty of Zendikar and M10 in stock.
Role-Playing Games
- Shard RPG: Basic Compendium: A unique game world unlike any you've seen before. Players play various animal races, rather than your standard fantasy humanoids.
- Outdoor Mapping Sheets: 8.5x11" hex sheets from Troll Lord Games
- Castles & Crusades: Of Gods & Monsters. 15 different pantheons fully explored.
- Starsiege: Another Fine Mess. A lucrative courier job may finally get the crew out of trouble.
- Reaper Miniatures (Friday): Halmar, Young Wizard, Norgol, Irongrave Knight, Culk, Young Rake, Native American Chieftain, Chupacabra, Moxy, Space Adventuress, Zombie German Officer, Zitler, Zombie Leader
- Hero 6 (Friday): Hero System: 6th Edition Combat and Adventuring, Hero System: 6th Edition Basic Rules Set, Hero System: 6th Edition Advanced Rules Set. Limited quantities due to distributor shipping damages.