Sunday, November 11, 2007

Board Game Mini Convention

Our board game mini convention is this upcoming weekend, Saturday from 10am-10pm and Sunday from 10am-4pm. This is a free, informal event. It's a venue for the regional board game community, a place to meet people and play games you might not otherwise get a chance to play. Convention season is over for the year, but you can still come play with us.

Besides lots of "open" gaming, meaning whatever people bring or want to play, we've got a couple structured events as well. Days of Wonder has helped set us up with a Battlelore tournament. We've got extra copies of the game and prize support from Days of Wonder and Richard Borg, the game's creator. We sponsored Richard Borg at Conquest San Francisco this year and he gave us some extra Battlelore miniatures that he signed. He's a very nice guy, by the way, and an excellent salesman.

In the evening we've got a Star Wars miniatures tournament. It's not officially a board game, but hey, it's played on a regular table. It's been many months since the last Star Wars release, and this "sealed pack" tournament celebrates the new Force Unleashed set that comes out Friday.

We've got a couple of board game companies in attendance. Blue-Orange will be there with their excellent wooden children's games, such as Gobblet, Coocoo the Clown, and many others. The kids should enjoy this and it might give you some ideas for holiday presents. Tablestar will be there featuring their games as well, such as their Herocard system.

Our board game "ding & dent" shipment sold very well at our auction yesterday. About a third of our shipment went unsold. Many were duplicates of some very good games. Rather than put them out this week for regular sale, we're going to begin selling them next weekend, so convention attendees can get first shot at them.

Stop by for an hour or the entire weekend and enjoy some excellent gaming!