Our unusual party consists of:
Emrick. A new noble from the nouveau rich adventuring class. The nobles in Iron Crown are divided between the old nobles, Yan-ki (someday to be githyanki) ruling class and the new nobles, anyone who has enough money to afford nobility. The new nobles act like the emerging merchant class in ancient Japan, with the yan-ki like ancient samurai families.
-->Pennfold. Part of Emrick's entourage of hanger's on. A halfling assistant. What he does I'm not sure.
Vivia. Chaos corrupted faerie, cleric of Zheenkeef*, god/dess of wine and song. After too much exposure to a Pit of Insanity, Vivia developed some strange mutations, including her frog like whip tongue.
Tyranosis. Dabbler in magic, Tyranosis is both an accomplished priest of Tinel*, god of knowledge and a pretty good wizard.
Udorin. Warlock who often frightens as well as helps. His powers are strange and terrifying and come from a realm not of this world. He doesn't just defeat opponents, he tears at their souls and incinerates their bodies.
Ogden. Captain Ogden to you, is a dwarf watch captain appalled at the deaths in the apartment house above. He's here to lend his axe (NPC).
* gods from Book of the Righteous, by Green Ronin
The first courtyard chamber (not shown) found them fighting summoned rats, one or two at a time. They met the aranea and the dwarf cultist casting from his ceiling murder hole, but both got away. At one point they had three combats going on at the same time. Later, Viva flew up and confronted the dwarf, flying through the hole in his ceiling lair. After a short battle, she was ambushed when the arenea joined her. She flew away and was lucky to survive!
The party eventually kills Theral, as the party's warlock, Udorin, sets him on fire in a violent display of pyrotechnics. Theral is shocked and appalled at his own death: "No! This can't be!" he says, as his body is fully incinerated in an instant, after spending the entire battle untouched. Gavele uses her tiefling darkness ability and escapes the house through an open window. She does an end run around the party and prepares the rat brutes (above) to ambush the party as they enter the waterfall chamber.
Udorin is grappled by a ratbrute as he enters the waterfall chamber and is thrown 80 feet down into the watery pit. This was apparently part of his plan, as he was wearing a ring of feather fall. The rest of the party is farther back, looking on in horror.
Leading from the rear, Tyranosis provides much needed monster identification and occasional healing.
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