Friday, August 3, 2007

GW Sales Down

Sounds like a good justification for focusing on the retail stores (as they've been doing).
The vertically-integrated Games Workshop, which owns and operates 348 retail stores (24 were opened and 11 were closed during the year), saw its sales via its own stores rise from 48% to 49% during the year. Direct online sales also gain a percentage point of share going from 10% to 11%, while sales through independent retailers declined from 42% in 2006 to 40% in 2007.


  1. You can read an interview with the head of GWs USA sales, Steve Morgan, on (probably have to register first). He's pretty much detailing their new approach to their own stores and independent stores.


  2. Thanks Dave,

    I am a gamingretailer member so I took a look. The article goes over the changes that have taken place that were implemented last year.

    I used the space alien analogy before when talking about the new GW: If you had landed on planet Earth last June and started a game store (there are stranger stories), you would find GW a company with phenomenal customer service, head and shoulders above everyone else.
