The most astonishing thing about Facebook advertising is the lack of any technical explanation. They practically give a marketing course in how to design a solid ad, and even then they micro-manage the ad with various edits after it has been submitted, but they don't really explain how their advertising works. For example, the bidding system is a mystery to me. On the first day my ad ran successfully when I left it ad the default amount of $.35 per click. However, after that first day, I went two days without a click. Over the next several days, I ramped up the per click bid to $.50, then $.75, $.85, $.95 and this morning to $1.05. Each increment resulted in higher ad hits, but nowhere can I find what this bidding process means. I'm assuming I'm bidding against other ads for placement within Facebook. I guess I'm supposed to just intuitively know this. Anyway, I feel a bit like a hospital patient with the little morphine button. You press it to increase your dosage, but at some unknown point it gives you the same dosage no matter how often you push it.
What struck me as interesting about the Facebook ad program was it's ability to target communities. It allowed me to pick cities, but apparently not regional networks like "East Bay." It also didn't allow me to select key words in user profiles to target, although Facebook claims to do that on the back end to increase ad relevancy. When I can better target the ad, such as the option to target everyone within ten miles who mentions the games we sell in their profiles, then sites like Facebook become the holy grail of advertising. I recently turned down for advertising because their level of granularity couldn't drill down below state.
But does it work? I'm still fine tuning and although I've seen lots of clicks and have had an email from a customer regarding the ad, I don't believe we've had anyone redeem our Facebook coupon. It's for 40% off toys and puzzles, our Black Friday sale. On the other hand, I haven't spent a penny of my own money yet, just $30 of my $100 ad credit. Still, the daily feedback is so much more satisfying than throwing money at our cable TV and yellow pages ads and praying people see it. Best of all, I see this as an introduction to online advertising. If this turns out to be successful, I could imagine moving more of our very expensive and questionably effective traditional marketing budget towards the online sphere.

I just noticed my Facebook graph looks a bit like my Gartner Hype graph....
ReplyDeleteI found your ad. =)
ReplyDeleteI take petty satisfaction in your not advertising on BGG. I'm still pissed that they banned me for a week for breaking a rule that they hadn't actually listed on their site as a bannable 'offense'.
ReplyDeleteDoes black diamond games have a facebook or a myspace? It would be a good way for customers to know about events in the store and your profile would show up on their searches. Plus it's free and takes about eight seconds to put up. Just a thought.
There is a Facebook group for Black Diamond Games. Just type it into the search feature.
ReplyDeleteWhat got you banned? Did you say Puerto Rico sucks or something?
ReplyDeleteHeh, that might have made more sense.
ReplyDeleteI stated in a thread that I had added someone to my ignore file. Apparently they had discussed in a thread somewhere about the ignore feature that if you did that you would be banned. What they didn't do is put that information on the rules page, so if you didn't read that thread there was no way to know.
When I pointed it out they simply said it wouldn't have mattered because no one reads the rules anyways, to which I responded that I had in fact just read the rules page a few minutes before making the post in regards to another issue, and that I'd surely have noticed any bannable offenses listed.
Not to mention that it's a stupid rule anyways that they only made because of the admins' personal experiences on usenet that don't even apply to a modern message board.
At least I can look forward to not getting my '09 supporter badge by not donating to them unlike I have for the past few years. I will continue to not donate to them until I receive some sort of apology from them for being asshats. Since I don't expect I'll ever get one I get to save the $20 or more that I'd otherwise give them every year.
Yes, I'm still bitter :-P
ReplyDeleteNice to see you mentioned at the top of the list for local game stores!
Alphabetical order is a wonderful thing!
ReplyDeleteThat article did wonders for sales today. I'm scrambling to restock the top games mentioned. We had them stocked up ahead of time; we knew the article was coming out, but I didn't expect such strong demand.