Thursday, February 7, 2008


Today I realized I need a break. I was putting on a sweater to go out and get a cup of coffee when I looked down and realized ... I had just finished a big cup of coffee. Yes, it's that lethargic feeling you get when you haven't had time off for a while. I'm so burned I even want to delegate my delegating. Rather than going the extra mile, customers seem like a nuisance. That's when you know you need a break, when your customer service skills begin to suffer. Or maybe it was my friend Carl stopping by to tell me he's taking a six-month sabbatical backpacking trip through Southeast Asia. Sigh. I'll have three weeks in March when my wife and son are gone, so I was thinking of taking a trip. I've got enough frequent flyer miles to get to the moon (via coach). Where to go? I figure 4-5 days max.