Thursday, March 18, 2010

Calendar and Forum Change

We've integrated our store calendar into our website using Google Calender. Please check it out. It's more useful than our old calendar, hosted on our web forum. If you use Google Calendar, you can copy Black Diamond Games events to your own calendar, add reminders, sync it to your phone or whatever clever Googly things you can come up with. I may also include Google Calendar links on the monthly event email. I haven't used a calendar for years, so if you have suggestions on how we can leverage Google Calendar, please let me know. Also let me know how you use BDG events with your calendar so we can better assist you. Michael did all the work, by the way. I just added the finished calendar to the website.

The web forum is gone. It has outlived its usefulness and it was a finicky, spam magnet piece of junk at best. The forum tab on our website now forwards directly to our Facebook page. Facebook might not be your thing, but with over 350 followers, it's where most BDG discussions happen. I'm pretty sure we have more followers than any other game store, and I've embraced Facebook as a major focus of our marketing. Several ads draw in new fans all the time, always local people with interests in the games we sell (or local friends of current fans).

There is probably more blog discussion on Facebook now than the blog itself (unfortunately divided between my personal and business blog import). That said, about two thirds of our old forum discussion was event related and unfortunately, Facebook probably isn't a great place for that conversation. There is no way to link Google discussions with calendars. We'll see how we can accomplish that going forward. Social media continues to morph and change and we're happy to experiment.

Thanks again for caring enough to keep up with store happenings!