Monday, March 17, 2008

The Sky is Falling!

I'm glad I don't have television anymore. I'm lying there in my fancy hotel bathrobe reading my free copy of USA Today and watching CNN, with the sand dunes and ocean in the foreground. CNN is working hard to scare the crap out of everyone: housing prices will continue to drop. A recession? That would be the least of worries because there are way more catastrophic economic possibilities. Another reporter reports that 75% of Americans think we're in a recession now.

Huh? I'm staring at a USA Today article where 5 out of 10 economists asked (kind of like those toothpaste commercials) believe we will be in recession sometime in 2008, while the other half say no, with one not sure. We're not in a recession now. It's not a feeling, it's a well understood definition based on data. Hmmm, I wonder where those 75% of Americans get that feeling? This stuff pisses me off because it's self reinforcing and has a bad effect on business, which effects everyone. Want to cause economic pain and suffering? Just preach economic pain and suffering. The psychology is that direct.

Kill your television.