- Wings of War WWII Planes
- Rommel's Nightmare 1940
- Fighting the Taliban
- Martians!!!
- Attack Deluxe Expansion

- Tales of the Arabian Nights (due in Friday):
From the BGG review:
So what is my final verdict? I LOVE THIS GAME. This is one of the most unique experiences I have ever had. This is one game where winning isn’t the point. Win or Lose you will still have a great time. This is NOT a strategy game. The game is VERY random. People who have to control every aspect of a game WILL NOT ENJOY THIS GAME!!! This is an adventure game that is second to none.
Collectible Card Games
- Magic 2010 Release (Friday): Boosters, Intro Packs and Fat Packs. There are also new card sleeves, boxes and portfolios for 2010 from Ultra Pro.
- Ziterdes Terrain: Awesome pre-painted miniature terrain from Germany includes trenches, wrecked buildings, pipe systems, and various ruins and terrain bits. This is a high quality, premium product ready to be dropped into your 40K game.
- Battlefoam Cases and Trays. The 1520, 432 and over 20 trays. For a limited time, we'll allow you to swap pluck trays from your Battlefoam case for pre-cut army trays we have on hand. You just pay the small difference (if there is one). It's a great way to build out your carrying case.
- Uncharted Seas. Shroud Mages starter fleet.
- Warhammer 40K: (Friday) SM Land Speeder Storm, SM Ironclad Dreadnought, Shrine of the Aquila, Blastscapes
- Citadel: (Friday) New brushes, including a stippling brush and a wash brush, all at a lower price.

Role-Playing Games
- Traveller Supplement 4: Central Supply Catalog
- Sword & Sorcery Creature Collection (4E)
- The Quintessential Rogue (4E)
- Starblazer Adventures
- Palladium: Nightbane Survival Guide
- Counter Collection 4E (Paragon Tier)
- New backgammon, cribbage, go, and bingo sets.
- Labyrinth Mini game from Schylling
- Erector sets: "Builds 1 Model" with 6 different sets and a 5-model special set.
- Green Army Men (GAMs)