Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Chasing Versions

The new point-of-sale system is up and running. The hardware worked out fine, which was a relief. Our big issues came with software versions. I was unwilling to jump to the current release of RMS Retail Dynamics 2.0, because my customer loyalty software wasn't compatible with it and we hadn't finalized our decision for its replacement. For the customers out there, that's the software for the Paladin Club program.

We found today that Windows Vista isn't compatible with our old 1.2 version of RMS, so we had to make a minor jump to RMS 1.3. No big deal, I figured. Unfortunately, the customer loyalty software would ONLY install on 1.2, so it's not working with our 1.3 installation. We're now looking at another upgrade, this time to 2.0 along with a new loyalty package. This was all a big unknown, as the loyalty software company (ADI) refused to answer my upgrade questions after a long run around. The most likely outcome is that club points won't port over to the new software and we'll issue a 10% off coupon to every paladin club member to make up for it.